Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Month: December 2015

December Mission of the Month

Lydia Hiatt is a teacher at Boyd Elementary School in Wise County.  She stated that there was a need for school supplies for the next semester of school–after Christmas.  A list of supplies was given to the congregation and before you knew it, things began to appear in the box we provided for the collection.

Below are a few pictures of the items collected for the school children.





November Mission of the Month

Deborah Dery was instrumental in wanting to serve the homeless in the Wise County area.  Her idea was to get warm items such as socks, scarves, hats, throws, etc., as well as personal hygiene items to people who were living on the street.  She checked with several agencies as well as law enforcement and was told that there was not a shelter in Wise County set up to handle that.

She decided that she wanted to work with W.A.R.M. (Wise Area Relief Mission) to gather food items for the food pantry.  We also accumulated plenty of socks, hats, and gloves for children and adults as well as homemade scarves and throws.  We were told that these items would be distributed as folks needed them.

As you can see, many items were gathered.

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October Mission of the Month

In October, Angie Whitley asked that we fill shoe boxes with items for children in third world countries who have very little and would be overjoyed to receive even a toothbrush or a box of crayons.  So, our mission was “Operation Christmas Child,” in conjunction with Samaritan’s Purse.  There were three different boy and girl age ranges from which to choose–2-4 years old, 5-9 years old, and 10-14 years old.  How fun it was to shop for items to fit into our shoe boxes.  We all purchased plastic shoe boxes with lids that snapped on.  These boxes can be used for carrying water or for storing items.   We tried to have one particularly special item included to really leave an impression, along with school items, gum, toothbrush and toothpaste, wash cloth, bar soap, Legos, pencils, crayons, etc.  The list goes on and on.  All in all we collected 18 boxes….not bad for our small congregation.  Angie then delivered the items to the specified drop location.

We found out later that our boxes were headed to a community in Ecuador.20151227_165606


Our Monthly Outreach to the Community

July Mission of the Month

Gently used eye glasses of all kinds were collected by Jill McClendon for a leper colony in Hyderbad, India.  Dr. Babili, of the Diocese of Forth Worth, will travel to India with a medical team during the Fall to help save the sight of people in need.  Dr. Babili’s father was the Bishop in India who founded the leper colony.

Several dozen pairs of glasses were collected and donated.


August Mission of the Month

Pat McGowan organized the collecting and delivering of items needed for the Wise County Animal Shelter.  She was told their only needs at the time were for bleach, Dawn and kitty litter.  We collected 399 oz. of bleach, 480 oz. of Dawn Dish Soap and 219 lbs. of cat litter.  She said it was a great success and the shelter was grateful for the donations.

September Mission of the Month

The Episcopal Church of Wise County is organizing its September “Mission of the Month,” The Wise Hope Shelter and Crises Center which provides safety, strength and hope for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.   Women and children leave their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs–sometimes in the middle of the night.  Therefore, personal hygiene items are vital.   Shoes and socks for children are needed, as well as pajamas.  Also, small toys for boys and girls, or hair clips and brushes for girls.  Little boys enjoy hotwheels or Legos; little girls enjoy My Little Ponies or Pound Puppies.  If you would like to donate, please check out their wish list on www.wisehope.org for items needed.  Ellen Whitley organized this month’s mission and she and husband, Marquis, delivered a carload of things to the drop-off site.

