Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Month: April 2015

Sunday, Morning Prayer II

Hi everyone:
Yesterday we had 11 people worshipping with us at the Boonsville Community Center.  It was a very nice service, with music/hymns and all.  We are incorporating intercessory prayer at  the proper spot in the prayer book to pray for those with special needs, for those who have died, and also prayers of thanksgiving for our many blessings.  Two special women were  there on Sunday, one is a recent lung transplant recipient, and the other survived a horrible, horrible car wreck some years back.  Then when you think of all the medical problems Mark has been through with his amputations, strokes and seizures, along with my own medical near death experience, Mark likes to say, “there are 4 miracles in this room today.”   And, people say that God does not perform miracles today.  Yes, He does, and we are witnesses to them.  When you witness miracles, you must “go and tell……….”  The women at Jesus’ tomb didn’t go to tell the disciples that their Lord had risen.  But, we today go forth and tell of the miracles we have seen.
God has been so very good to us and has placed all the right people in our path so that our little Episcopal Church of Wise County will prosper and grow.  We thank each and every one of you for your support, love, gifts, and prayers.  We feel the prayers and are blessed.
Thank you and God bless.
For His Sake,
p.s.  Attached are pictures of the Paschal candle holder/stand Mark made for us.  It was so cool to have our Christ candle lit on Sunday.

Easter Sunday Service, 4-5-15

Hi everybody:
Today was one of the most beautiful days EV-ER!  The rain was a blessing even though it made it just a tad messy this morning…no complaints here.
Today we had 16 people at the service.  We were so proud to meet Canon Janet’s husband, Ed, and their children Wynne and Ben.  All of them were participants in the service with the children being acolytes and Ed carrying the cross and taking up the collection.  We sang like we were a huge church….maybe louder than we were good, but we definitely made a “joyous noise unto the Lord.”  Our music, which makes our services so joyful, is beautiful and we really enjoy it….thanks to Sarah Walker.
We received a gift of a brass chalice, paten, and a ciborium that was purchased by Fr. Bruce Coggin and Owanah Anderson and used by All Saints for their services.  This is a beautiful addition to what we already have and we will take extra special care of these items which are on loan to us.  JD Todd was gracious enough to drive from Wichita Falls to our house to deliver them and we can’t thank him enough for doing that.  Canon Janet brought us a Paschal candle to keep burning during the Easter season and we will try to make a candle holder for it.  It is from the Episcopal Church in Wichita Falls and originally from Ascension in Lewisville.  We received a veil and two burses and we used the gold side of the veil today and the white burse on the altar….these were gifts from St. Stephen’s in Hurst.  Thank you cards were written by Sarah Walker and we all signed them today; they will be mailed tomorrow.
I am attaching a few pictures of the altar, the chalice, paten, ciborium, and the Waggoner family.
Thank you all for celebrating today with us.
Allelulia!  Christ is risen.
The Lord is risen indeed.  Allelulia!
For His sake,